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About us

Welcome to the UCLMS EDI Gender Equality website!



This site is run by the UCLMS EDI Gender Equality Subcommittee. We are part of UCL Medical School's Equality, Diversity and Inclusion team, and focus specifically on the topic of gender equality within medicine. Our main objectives are to facilitate education on important gender differences within the spheres of medicine, and to ensure that students of the UCL Medical School are listened to and supported. 


We created this website to act as a hub for all of our information, and to keep you better in the loop about our activities as a committee. Whilst we were established fairly recently, we have big things planned and would love to have your support along the way!


This website is the home of our Clinical Handbook, which will feature graphics and critical evaluations of certain highly important topics in medicine.  You'll also be able to find information on our events, our upcoming Women's Network and our recommended reading here, so be sure to have a little browse. We hope that our content is educational, and that you leave inspired and informed on some topical medical issues!


We would be extremely grateful to hear what you think of our work or website, and would love to receive suggestions on what content you'd like to see more or less of. (You'll be able to find the feedback form at the bottom of this page!)


We plan to be updating this website regularly, so check back and subscribe to our newsletter for updates.























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