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The Gender Equality Network

Sexual and Reproductive Health: Decolonising and Demystifying

Our first event of the year will focus on demystifying and decolonising sexual and reproductive health.


We will be identifying and discussing inequalities and misconceptions surrounding SRH, as well as identifying the importance of looking at the field through an intersectional and decolonising lens. 




Basic Information:


  • When?

    • 21st February

    • Arrive from 6 pm, the event will start at 6:30 pm!


  • Where?

    • Cruciform Building, LT2


    • Zoom: 

      • meeting ID: 932 2657 5547​

      • password: 295901









Dr Rima Chakrabarti

Rima has a background in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and leads the Gender Equality Division of UCLMS EDI.


Her interest is improving awareness of and breaking down the barriers that affect both genders when it comes to health and wellbeing.


Dr Noemi Tousignant

Neomi is based at UCL's Department of Science and Technology Studies, where she specialises in medical anthropology, health inequalities and global health.


Her specific interest is in policy development in subsaharan Africa. 

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Dr Kara Smythe

Kara is a working obstetrician and gynaecologist but is currently based at UCL Institute of Epidemiology and Health Care (IEHC) where she completing a PhD.
She has expertise in decolonising sexual and reproductive health.


Moni Sandhu


Moni is currently doing an iBSc in neuroscience and leads the student EDI's Gender Equality subgroup.


Resorces suggested by Mayra Salazar Volkmann

  • White Fragility: Why it's so hard to talk to white people about racism (Özlem Sensoy and Robin DiAngelo)

  • Decolonizing Transgender (B Binaohan)

  • Beyond the Gender Binary (Alok Vaid-menon)

  • Fearing the Black Body: The racial origins of Fatphobia (Sabrina Springs)

  • Hottentot Venus: A Novel (Barbara Chase-Riboud)

  • Hood feminism (Mikki Kendall)

  • Decolonization is not a metaphor (Eve Tuck)

  • Radical Reproductive Justice (Ross

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